The Pipettes! Everyone dance!

Polka dots: annoying on scenesters, ace on Pipettes
Polka dots: annoying on scenesters, ace on Pipettes

Wow, we haven't grinned and danced this much before dark in a goodly while. Since we were four, actually. The Pips are on glorious form today thanks to a thrilled crowd who keep on making Gwenno giggle happily whenever they cheer. 'One Night Stand' gets a typically droll intro from Rose - "This is a song about love. Aaaah." - while 'ABC' gets rapturous applause from a crowd who can't quite believe their ears. The Cassettes play solidly as ever, half dapper gents and half scruffy blokes we love them a little bit. New single 'Pull Shapes' has everyone clapping along and the topless gentlemen in front of us start twisting which is ace. What do you do when the music stops? Cry.

Posted by Kat at 04:00PM
