Lily of the valley

The lady Allen with the boys Klaxon
The lady Allen with the boys Klaxon

Sometimes the greatest festival moments sneak up on you at unexpected moments. Unannounced and apparently largely unnoticed, Lily Allen showed up on stage at Klaxons' otherwise pretty unremarkable gig, making noises that would usually be conjured up by a well-placed sampler.

A more cynical soul than i would put it down to a flagrant attempt to shake off her accidentally acquired pop status with a blast of Hoxton dischord, but really it was probably just a bit of fun. Innit.

Either way, her "proper" set tomorrow promises to be one of Bestival's highlights, not just on account of the catty poptastic brilliance of her album, but also because her set's sure to piss a few people off.

Posted by Charlie Ivens at 11:39PM
